
Burnout Recovery
You know self-care is good for you, but honestly, who has time? You do your best to take good care of yourself but more often than not, your own needs come last. In your mind, the only way to get things done is to leave yourself out of the equation. You are exhausted, depleted, and not like your old self. It feels like something fundamental is missing in your life.
Underneath the overwork, constant caretaking of others, the forgotten hobbies, is a deep desire and striving to be happy. An innate need to love and be loved. To be free of anxiety about imperfection. Somehow everything has become conflated with being good enough.
Self-care then becomes a radical act- of going against the old ways you might have sought approval, to find a peace within that cannot be taken away. Free yourself from perfectionism, make peace with your vulnerability, and find your way back to the person you want to be. Schedule a consultation with me today to get started on the path back home to you.

Perfectionism Relief
Nothing you ever do is good enough. By all accounts, you are a badass, but no matter how much validation you might get at work or home, you cannot shake the feeling like the other shoe is going to drop at any minute. It’s there when you wake up- that gripping in your throat, the shortness of breath, the racing thoughts. And it keeps you up at night- all that didn’t get done during the day, how things are piling up, a sense of despair and hopelessness and not enoughness. You have an Inner Critic that keeps score of all the ways you keep fucking up or could do better, and ways of numbing out or taking the edge off that are beginning to worry you. What’s worse is the feeling you can’t shake that you are missing out on the very moments of your life. What you long for most is peace, yet it doesn’t feel possible.
I help busy professionals find relief from perfectionism so that they can be more present for the moments of their lives and feel more at peace with themselves. They still manage to get it all done, but without the anxiety and stress. Schedule a consultation with me today to explore ways to bring more ease of being into your life.

Befriending Our Parts: 10-week Somatic IFS Healing Circle
This group will be small, only 6 people, and based on the therapy model Internal Family Systems (IFS), as well as including some somatic mindfulness practice. For more info on Internal Family Systems, please visit the IFS Institute website.
The purpose of this group is to reduce anxiety and soften self-recrimination by building compassion and ease into how we relate to the parts of ourselves that we struggle with most- the Inner Critic, the Perfectionist, the Worrier, Sadness, Loneliness, etc.
Everyone gets to choose what parts of themselves they want to explore and bring ease and insight to.
Each session will be 1.5 hrs and will include some intention-setting, meditation, exploration and play working directly with our “parts.” We will practice using various IFS strategies that you can take with you and use moving forward on your path. Dates to be announced.
Please email me at [email protected] for more information and to register before it fills up!

Somatic IFS
Internal Family Systems and Somatic Experiencing combined to help busy professionals find ways to bring more compassion, kindness, and self-care to the parts of themselves they struggle with most, so they can find more peace and ease as they lead their busy lives.

Contact Me
To schedule a FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTATION, please use the button below or email me at [email protected].
You can also call me at 240-780-2430.
Mindfulness-based Somatic Psychotherapy
Adult psychotherapy sessions incorporate a blend of Somatic Experiencing, mindfulness, expressive arts, and psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Online Therapy
Forget about fighting traffic, long commutes, or having to find a babysitter. Schedule your Online Therapy session today.
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