Burnout Recovery

You know all about how self-care is good for you, but honestly, who has time for that? You know it’s important to eat healthy, exercise, get good sleep, and you do your best to be well. Still, there is not enough time in the day, and more often than not, your own needs come last. In your mind, it’s the only way to get things done is to leave yourself out of the equation. You are exhausted, depleted, and it feels like something fundamental is missing in your life.

Underneath the overwork, constant caretaking of others, the forgotten hobbies, is a deep desire to be happy. An innate need to love and be loved. To be free of anxiety about imperfection. Somehow everything has become conflated with being good enough.

Self-care then becomes a radical act of going against the old ways you might have sought approval to find a peace within that cannot be taken away. Free yourself  from perfectionism, make peace with your vulnerability, and find your way back to the person you want to be. Schedule a consultation with me today to get started on the path back home to you.

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